Monday, July 7, 2008

email from gramma

Lij called us to tell us that he caught the big walleye . He was soooooooooooooooooooooo fun to hear cuz he was so so so excited. He told alllllllllllllllll about it . I asked him if it was as big as Zaccy and he said one of the walleyes is. ---------------------almost----------------------. Oh he is so darling. Then a while later Wils called me. He said I could come over if I was real quiet and he would give me a dollar. hahaha. Have you been bribing the boy? I asked him if he fell into the water and he said "Yes and Lijah saved my wife". ahhahahahahah. Now can you imagine what will be told with that story over the years? How his big brother saved his life . Those children are just absolutely delightful. Thank you for having them. Thank me for having you. Talk to you later. Mom

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