Friday, October 3, 2008

The Gas Man

So today Zac and I visited his oldest siblings at school (while #4 was at HIS school). When we walked into Ana's classroom we were greeted by a gaggle of giggling 9 year old girls gathered to admire Ana's baby brother. There were lots of oohs and aahs...................and then he farted. Loud. Long. Ariana said "ZacaRIah!"

haha good one zaccy.

Then we picked Wil up at preschool and he had written his name for the first time. I looked at the paper he had written on and said "Wow, William, that's awesome!". He nodded demurely before saying "but I'm NOT doing it AGAIN!"

Last night Ben and I settled down to do his bedtime reading, and this time HE picked up the book and started reading. Here is an excerpt of what he read out loud, unassisted, one month into first grade, 1 week into being 6 years old:

"It was Halloween, and there were 18 pumpkins left at (Bartlett's) Farm Stand. The pumpkins looked their very best, because they all wanted to be taken home and made into jolly jack-o-lanterns. The littlest pumpkin had the biggest dreams of all. She saw herself shining in the dark, with ghosts, monsters, witches, and fairies gathered around her singing a Halloween song. And today was the day when all her dreams were going to come true"

I tell ya, I just about about fell off his top bunk. I said "Ben, you can't read like that!". He smiled his smile (looking not unlike a jack-o-lantern himself) and said "actually, I can."

and then he says..."I readed it before to myself and I know what happens. The mouses take her."

He called gramma tonight to tell her to email me at work and have me call him and he would be waiting by the phone. I read the email an hour after gramma sent it (I could see by the time stamp) and I called and sure enough he WAS sitting right there. It must have been very important for him to wait so long, don't you think? It sure was. I'm to pick up buggle gum for him on my way home. An identical message came through an hour later, this time to call William. Same deal. He'd heard another guy was getting buggle gum delivered and wanted to put in an order himself.

Yesterday Wil and Zac and I were in Kohl's and as we went by the lingerie I saw Wil reach out with both hands and grab a bra from the front. The a-softball-in-each-hand look. What do you say to a 4 year old who does that? Well, I guess "No" will suffice, and hopefully it did. It reminded me of Elijah when he was 2; we would have the Sunday paper spread out all over the floor and he would look at the ladies in bras and point at them and smile to Brian.

Obviously these boys were breast fed. I hope they get over it.

Lij wants to know if we can go to Fleet Farm tomorrow so he can see the fishing stuff. No. We are not going to Fleet Farm tomorrow so he can look at fishing stuff.

Ana continues to love to play school and is happy to have a full classroom this year. Zac needs a para though because he can't cooperate well enough. I'll upload pics soon.

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