Ana and I have been talking about history a lot lately. It started with a special I was watching on PBS about the Andrea Doria, an Italian cruise ship that was hit by a ship leaving New York just as she (the Andria Doria) was coming in. I think this was in the 1950's if I remember correctly. The story is fascinating as a true midsea collision of ships is very rare and the crew members responsible are still alive and were interviewed. Best of all, the actual sinking of the ship was videotaped! You could see it listing, pointing, and slipping under the water. A very chilling sight.
Anyway, you know how Ariana loves the Titanic. She really loves anything about ships, shipwrecks, history of any kind. She happened to come upstairs when I was watching this after everyone was in bed (I mean, "in bed") and she was enthralled. Ever since she has wanted to watch the History Channel instead of Disney--yay! She wants to talk about what she sees, too. Today she was watching a documentary of the history of flight and there was a segment about heiroglyphics in egyt that oddly show images that look exactly like modern helicopters and airplanes. They are a mystery and make some historians think flight is much older than Wilbur and Orville, to say the least.
She started to say that she wants to be a marine archeologist when she grows up, and then she said, but there are so may cool things to be, it's hard to pick! Lij answered with "I'm going to be a scientist!" and then I heard, from way off somewhere, in a monotone, "I'm going to be an artist." The artist formerly known as "Ben" is nowing signing his name "Benjamin", just fyi.
Now, big news. Ariana and Elijah did their first 1k! Ben was supposed to but he backed out at the last minute, so Elijah took his place. Both of them did absolutely fantastic and I have some terrific pictures. I didn't get any of them actually running because my hands were full of crabpot babypants whom we hope is getting teeth but might just be a grouch. Also William was rolling down the embankment we were sitting on and he kept making people trip. So I couldn't get my camera out unless I dropped baby and let him roll down the hill too. I thought about it, it might have been a good idea.
I am finally able to upload a picture--I have a hard time with this at home (I'm at work right now and it's quiet so I'm able to do this). So there they are--my athletes! They got to run through an arch with a crowd cheering them on and get medals put around their necks and their names read aloud. Ben heard "Schurman" and went nuts, although he wasn't Schur which Schurman it was.
He enjoyed watching the run and is eager to try one for himself after all, so the older 3 will be signing up for an upcoming 1k in Cold Spring in May.
Seeing all the fun made me think about doing the Twin Cities Marathon again this fall. The trick would be finding time to do the long training runs, but I think I'm going to go for it. Will keep you posted.
The last picture is of 5 pairs of new shoes all lined up for the camera. I thought the visual was cute. Ana's big size 8 Schurman feet and Zaccy's little tiny Sederlund size 3's.
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