Monday, August 4, 2008

Watch and Learn

So today I was taking the kids to Charlotte's house for another night-shift sleepover. The boys all had their flashlights. Ariana was riding up front with me. I could hear William saying "Lijah! Lijah! Lijah! Look! Look!". Finally I yelled back for Elijah to just pay attention to what William was saying. So he turned around and William chattered something at him. Ariana, sitting beside me, cracked up and said "William just told Elijah to 'watch and learn'" (as he was showing him some trick he had with his flashlight)

Our big adventurous week was just that--adventurous. Ana ended up staying the full 4 days at Girl Scout camp because 1) she forgot to give her counselor the note from me saying I'd be picking her up a day early, so they called and 2) I was too tired to make the drive the day earlier as planned. When I returned the call to the counselor asking about Ana's stating that I was coming to get her early, I asked how they were doing and she said they were having a great time. I told her to check with Ana and see if she wanted to stay an extra day and she came back and said she got a big huge smile. So, the next day, the day of the play in Minneapolis, I drove up to Walker in the morning, picked her up, drove back to St Cloud with her glowering beside me (very, very, very, tired and crabby thing), and from there went on to Minneapolis to the Guthrie and Little House on the Prairie.

Remember, originally Ben was supposed to come with us, but when he heard his brothers were going to Grandma's, he said he wasn't going to no play. So, then we asked Reilly, and that was good, but then her weiner dog was overdue with puppies and she couldn't come either. So, we invited Lynn. She was good company and had a good time. The play was FABULOUS. It was amazing being 20 feet away from Melissa Gilbert! We were front and center. The acting (not just Melissa Gilbert) was thrilling. I'm not a theater person and not easily interested in such things but I didn't get bored once during this entire evening. There were lots of Tony winning actors and a Broadway director. Super cool. Just prior to the play start I called Luck to check in on my boys and was given the news that the weiner puppies had arrived, 6 of them in varying varieties. Saidy did well (that is how Reilly spelled the name "Sadie" on the birth announcement--so it's probably right, but I had to think about it for awhile) but looks pretty stunned in the post-birth pictures. I bet she wished she'd had an epidural.

We met friends from Canada--Kerri, Jaydane, Blake, and Kerri's mom. They are lovely people and it was great to finally meet in person after corresponding with Kerri for years over the internet (babycenter large families board).

The boys had a great time at Grandma's. Story of the day was William dropping his ice cream and saying "G-d Dammit". This evening on the way to Charlotte's he apparently said it again and Ariana told me (not tattly, just matter of factly) and William heard her tell me that and said "Mommy, I did not say G-D Dammit."

He didn't like the sand in Gramma's know, the seeds?

This afternoon I took him and Ben with me when i went for a bike ride (I've been biking instead of running recently--not sure why, I just got the urge to change venues). Originally I invited Ben to come with me and ride in the carrier behind my seat, but he wanted William to come too, so we took the Burley and they rode together. First we stopped at the garden (if you can call it that--it's pretty pathetic). We had some beans among the weeds and took a few to look at and left them in the grass. Got the boys back in the Burley (bike trailer) and headed down the highway. Half an hour later, on the way back toward home, William says "I want my bean back."

Zac is such a drama queen. He stood 4 feet away from me and wanted me to pick him up. I wouldn't, so he dragged (I mean it--he dragged) himself on his belly to my feet where he threw himself on the floor, flat on his face, in grief. Whatever.

Lij lost his 2nd tooth and has tooth fairy money bothering him greatly as there are so many possibilities for it. What to do? Live bait? Lures? Savings, and try to use MY money?

Tomorrow Ariana starts her week of GREAT Theater Camp. It's another big bit of driving as it's in Sauk Rapids every day this week, but it sounds like a good time for her.

I'm on my 2nd night of 3 nights in a row at work..........will be glad when that's done.

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