Sunday, March 16, 2008


Sorry for being MIA. The end of last week was busy and then I fell off what I'm referring to as a ladder (for the sake of simplicity--it's too hard to explain)....will get to that in a minute.

Zacariah has some big news. TEETH! They finally poked through and you can officially see them. He is monkeying around with his tongue trying to get used to them. It's pretty funny. He also has a new word: "Yaya". That's Lijah :) He is back to being his funny, silly, smiley, self, thank God.

Last week I had two days of clinicals at REM Fernwood, a group home. I really enjoyed it and will be back this coming week for 2 more days, which will be my final clinicals. I had a 63 year old patient with the mental age of a 2 year old--a very cute and funny two year old. He likes to look at trucks and pictures of horses.

There are lots more things I should be remembering but I can't because I'm high on vicodin. I'm enjoying it more than I should. It does also make me a little nauseated so I'm going to bed soon.

Anyway, what happened, in a nutshell, I was in the garage on friday and I needed something from a high shelf. I was stupidly holding the baby and I just climbed up a few "steps" of basically junk and it gave way somehow and I fell about 3 feet and slammed my flank into the lawn mower. First I must say baby is just fine, that was most important. But I was in the most excruciating pain I have ever been in in my life and that includes natural childbrith x 5. My first thought was my kidney--I thought I had seriously hurt it. I managed somehow to get in the house, and Thank God Joanie was visiting before flying down to Missouri for James' dad's funeral. I managed to give her the baby before I collapsed on the living room floor in agony. She got Brian up. I kept trying to get up but would black out. It was seriously awful. Long story short, ER visit, CT scan, it is mostly soft tissue injury but no laceration to the kidney which is very important. I had 3 shots of morphine there before the pain was managed. I mean, it was seriously nasty. Now I have vicodin and that manages it pretty well but makes me wierd. The pain is much better now than it was. I can't twist my trunk at all or sit up from a lying position but once I'm up I can walk fine. I have a very nasty black and blue mark that you can tell is just the surface of a very deep pond, and it is in the shape of the corner of the riding lawn mower. Oh, nasty. Tomorrow I need to go see my regular doc and we will talk about taking a closer look at my spine because I have had numbness and tingling in my left arm and pinkie.

Feel like I"m gonna barf, so I'll close for now. I'll be around!

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