Monday, December 1, 2008


I have to start blogging every day even if only for a minute, so I remember the good stories. I'm forgetting too many of them.

Here's a few:

A few nights ago I was upstairs doing stuff at about 10 pm. The kids had been "in bed" since about 8:30. Ben came running up to ask (in his clipped little voice) "What. Did. You. Get. For. Ayana. And. Elijah. For. Christmas?"

and I said to Ben...."You go back downstairs and tell them to stop sending you up to ask me that."

and Ben said "OK!" and skipped away.


Last night the kids were putting on a talent show for me. They all practiced together all evening and then when it was time to perform William came and sat on my lap. I asked him if he wasn't in the talent show any more and he said "Yes, Mommy, I am, but I'm taking a break."


Two good stories from the psych ward. I have gotten two insults in the last two days that have made me stop and think a bit. They were darn good though! The first, from a drunk, when I was in his face: "Did you get in an accident or something?" (is my face deformed? I know my nose is a little crooked, but you have to look really close!)

The second, from an old guy who didn't mean to be insulting: "That's gotta be naturally curly hair. I used to have a dog with hair like that."

Thanks. I think? (Woof!)

We got our tree up but it's pretty funny. There is something wrong with the base and it won't stand up. So it's leaning in a corner fully decorated. Zac keeps taking the ornaments off, of course. There are several that have photographs of the kids at various stages. Zac has taken a liking to one of Elijah as a baby and he said "baby Yaya" and gives it a kiss (like I taught him..haha). He also found Reilly! "Reilly!". There is a viking ornament too, and he says "Viking".

He is VERY good with his gestures and signing. We have a new game we play where he copies whatever you do with your hands. He'll thumb his nose, stick out his tongue, squinch his eyes, puff his cheeks, whatever you do for him to imitate. It's pretty fun.

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