Just thought I'd post about my big girl and what a great kid she is. She has spent her Christmas break coordinating all sorts of educational activities for her younger brothers. Each night this week when I returned home from work I was greeted by the latest book published by the SKAWC. The SKAWC, according to the boilerplates in these books, is "the Schurman Kids Art and Writing Class".
She has gotten every last guy involved. Ben has been doing long pages by himself, and she gives William assignments and he does them. For example, he drew a picture of a cat.
She is so patient and kind with her brothers, even when they are turds. She is so mature that she understands that's how little kids are sometimes.
When she's not coordinating something for them to do, she can be found quietly sitting at the table working on an art or writing project alone, or playing with her dolls or Nintendo DS. She always has lots to tell me about what she's working on and is hoping to someday publish a book, and plans on going to college to be a preschool teacher. She wants to study the Titanic, too. She's an extremely creative girl! Her writing is excellent; I do think she'll accomplish much in the years ahead.
I'm going to upload pictures of some of the things they've been doing to keep busy on Christmas break. Note the nest they made of my former Christmas tree.
I'm also going to include a picture of me and some of my gorgeous younger cousins, and my aunt Deb, and an Italian Christmas greeting (which I don't know what it means anyway but makes me look classy to have it on my blog).
PS Mary Gustafson---are you out there?
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