Monday, January 5, 2009

Nintendos and buggle gum

After much debate, I decided to give Ben a Nintendo DS for Christmas. Ana was getting one, and Elijah was getting a huge lego thing for his big present. I just couldn't come up with anything for Ben because he never ASKS for anything. I knew he would use a DS and I like the great variety of games and other applications available for it. Many of them are educational, which he and I both like. On the other hand, I wasn't sure he is old enough to be responsible for something that expensive. But, I did get him one, and he was truly delighted. As soon as he got his allowance we went to Gamestop and he bought himself a new (used game).

Unfortunately, within a week of Christmas he lost the damn thing. I'm not sure it was his fault, because we do have baby and other assorted people hereabouts whose fingers might have gone astray. We were concerned that baby put it in the garbage. I turned the house upside down looking for it--got it nice and clean in the process because you can imagine how many dust bunnies (and dog turds, OK? I"ll just say it) I found. No luck--nowhere to be found. I think me and Brian were more upset than Ben, but I was very sad FOR him too.

Well, today, I stuck my hand under this turntable thing that we used to have our TV on in our living room cabinet--lo and behold, the DS! He must have put it there to keep it safe and forgotten where he put it. From now on, we will keep it locked up and only give it to him when we are there to keep an eye on it and take it back.

Anyway, I was so excited to tell him, I went to the school on my way to work. I ran around looking for him, and by the time I found him I was probably literally out of breath. I said "Guess what I have in my pocket that will make you happy?????"

and he said...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tracy--we have lost many a DS/Gameboys here ourselves (they usually do eventually show up) so I feel for ya. So...did you have any gum in your pocket??!! LOL Sounds like something one of mine might say. How old is Ben?
Carla (& 7 dwarfs)