Monday, February 18, 2008

Lijah, baby

Lij took the news pretty well. The scene was kind of funny if you visualize it, actually. I sat him down and said I had some very sad news for him. Then I cleared my throat and tried to talk but I couldn't. Then Ana burst into tears and threw her arms around him (my drama queen). And the poor guy is sitting there looking at us like what the hell happened to YOU two?

When I finally choked it out he tried to act silly but I could see in his face that he was upset (it was RED and he had dark rings around his eyes). He wanted to go play. Later ana told me that he had said to her "I'm going to miss my little Dumpster". I let him stay up late to be with me and have extra talk time, and then he slept in my bed with me. He has had a lot of questions today, so that is good. He has talked to gramma on the phone and tried to call Joanie but she is still up north somewhere with James and will be back tonight (so, Joanie, he is awaiting your sympathetic call). I also took him to McDonalds in Avon for some special time together and the lucky guy even got to come with me to the accountants, which I hate with a passion and am still crabby about.

Now, about baby. I was just a few days ago telling Brian how I have never been irritated with baby, not even once. I've never tired of his company.

Karma ate my dogma.

There's a first time for everything.

Baby 4 sale.

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