Saturday, February 16, 2008

Missing post from midweek

Writtten on February 13th, posted on February 16th. Elijah is 7 today!!! It blows my mind. He is a lovely 7 year old. At present, so to speak, he is playing with presents. He got Lego kit number 7773 from Joanie. He requested Lego kit number 7773. It reminds me of Brian when he is shopping for something. He probably knew the specs and beam and horsepower and liters and plugs. And things. Now, the rubber band mystery. Yesterday I got an email from Brian that Ben had been calling Joanie and Gramma (I was at school). So I called Grandma to check in, like I usually do. She says Ben is trying to reach me. So I call Ben. Ben asks for "@#!@#$ asdklfapoierhkalj !@#$DFASDFs" (sounded like that to me). I asked him if he had told Joanie what he needed, and he said yes, so I called her. She had just send me an email with his request. I'm sure that was confusing, so before I define the mystery, let me explain! We have a phone with programmed button. Apparently one of the buttons had been messed with somehow. So Ben was trying to reach me by pushing the "Momcell" button and got Grandma every time. But, he was reading the label correctly. So finally he figured he would call Joanie and SHE could reach me. Which she did. So our 5 year old is enterprising! What he wanted was sticks, preferably painted but he could paint them if need be, and rubber bands of various sizes, including some big enough to fit around his head. ??? So we are all dying to know what this is about. Here is what it seems to be. He has counted sticks by 10s and put small rubber bands around each bundle of 10. He has 2 bundles so far. He is planning to make 10 bundles and put them together into one large bundle of 100, which is what the big rubber band is for (why he used his head to quantify it, I have no clue!). Sometimes the guy is so smart he is scary! I'm sure they are doing this at school but it is nice to see him take his interest home.

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