Friday, January 4, 2008

green eggs and ham

I really don't mean to dwell on the topic of food, and I usually don't, but I'm having some serious problems here. I actually cooked green eggs and ham for supper. I was trying to make an omelette using what we had in the fridge (ham, eggs, and cheddar cheese) but I left them on the stovetop and forgot about them until I could smell them. The result was indeed green eggs. I didnt even TRY to make anyone eat that--straight to the garbage like the "brownies" (more aptly termed "blackies") from last night and the seared malt o meal from this morning's misadventures in homemaking. I took a picture of the blackies and will post them when i figure out how. Maybe I'll ask Lynn if the bakery wants to try my recipe. One thing is for sure--I'm done cooking for awhile. Brian is better at it and he can do it. I'll stick to laundry because he really sucks at that (or can you explain why my bra would be in ana's drawer?)

This morning was KIT (keeping in touch) for Ben's class; this is when parents get to go and join their student for an hour or so and just see what they are working on in class and whatnot. It was really fun, Ben loves all the silly songs they sing and all that (this same teacher had Elijah last year and gets a kick out of how diferent they are). The teacher had stations set up with different things to do and one station was making snowmen on blue paper using cotton balls and qtips. The cotton balls were for snow, I think, but as most of you already know, Ben glued two on to his snowperson's chest in the mammary region. Then and there I had a flash of what serial siblings have done to this young man's psyche. I've been breastfeeding too long. It reminded me of a few years back when Ariana asked "is there another baby in your tummy yet?"

After KIT with Ben I went to see Elijah and asked him if I could stay and join his reading time. He politely declined. I couldn't go see Ana because she had given me explicit instructions not to. If you are thinking that is kind of bratty of them, be assured their concerns are warranted. I thrive on embarrassing them. Did I ever tell you the school bus story? When I was pregnant with Zac the @#$!#$ bus driver (Werner Maus...yes, Werner Maus, and he drives the mouse bus) zipped right on by without stopping for my kids and I chased him down the road and yelled "Werner, you asshole!" and.........he stopped...........backed up.....and turned around.

Zac was a grouch today and reminded me a bit of Elijah as a baby in that he was super clingy and into everything. Let's hope this isnt a harbinger of things to come; while I love Elijah dearly, one of him is more than enough. Actually, one of Hans was enough and then I had to go and make another one.

Me and the gang all played charades tonight and had a great time. We let William try it and he did a doggie and did it very well. Ben is REALLY good at this game. It's a great game for CODA kids (Child of Deaf Adult, for those not familiar with the term).

William moved into a new corner today; Brian and Ben took the Christmas tree down and that left a space in the one remaining corner of the porch where all the other kids have their corners. He filled up his wagon with all of his things and moved them to his new corner. It was too cute. He came with me to menards, too, and said "I think I need some bubble gum."

That's it for tonight.......very tired from staying up til midnight reading an excellent book, Jon Hassler's North of Hope. Have you read it? I highly recommend it. It's set right here in the St. John's area and was written by a former professor there.

My dog awaits. Til tomorrow,


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