Sunday, January 20, 2008

a pug walked on my face

On a coworker's face, actually. There is a nurse on the night shift whom i pass when i leave and they come on and she has 2 puggies, too. She came in last night with a big scratch on her face and told me one of her pugs had walked over her face. She also mentioned that hers are so fat they need those special stairs to get up to her bed. Those things kill me (the dog stairs, but also the pugs!)

Here is an email I got from Ariana while I was here at work last night:

"Hi Mommy, RU busy, I don't want to go to bed early, I am OK, I am not even tired! I JUST CALLED YOU. Can you give me a question like where do you want to live when you grow up?"

I bit. I emailed back asking "So, Ana, tell me, where do you want to live when you grow up?"

Her answer? "Minnesota"

That was somewhat anticlimatic so I had to supplement it with a couple more more questions. The first was "If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?" The second was "If you were an animal, which one would you be?"

Her answer to the first was that if she could have any pet in the world it would be a.................pug.

We appear to have a very content child on our hands.

Her answer to the 2nd question (if you were an animal, which would you be?) was.................whale, or cheetah.

I think the two are mutually exclusive, don't you? I mean, if you have the finesse and speed of a cheetah, what traits might you have that would also suggest a whaleish-ness? I'll have to probe this one a little deeper!

Til next time.

PS My mother is 60 tomorrow!!! Holy balls!