I like to email Ana questions to ponder and answer because it gives me a cool peek inside her head. My favorite was when I asked her what she would like to accomplish in 2008 and she said "write a series of books". I thought that was really neat. So now we are working on doing it!
Tonight I asked her "If you could ask a Titanic survivor a question, what would it be?" and her answer, again, was really cool. She said she would ask if it was the Captain's fault.
Then she wanted to ask me a question back, and that was "if you could fly an airplane over anywhere in the world, where would it be?" I told her over Luck, Wisconsin, and she said "Yeah, me too, but I don't want to go in an airplane"......................
So then I asked her what is the scariest thing she can think of and she said "It would be blood on someone's eyeball."
Let's assume she won't be following me into nursing.
PS If you have any ideas of questions I can ask her, let me know! I do ask Elijah sometimes too but so far he isn't going very deep into his big giant head. For example, when asked where he would choose to go if he could go anywhere, he said "Where Transformers are made."
Ben, I suspect, would give his stock "I don't know."
I'm kind of excited for William to get a bit older....I predict he will have some noteworthy answers as well. Probably downright hysterical.
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