Thursday, January 10, 2008


I almost didn't post tonight because I was so mad at some people I would have broken my New Years resolution of not swearing. Would you believe I actually told them I am very tired of their...BALONEY!? I did! Yay me! What the hell is up with that?

Of course, the day was not without its' hightlights. Ariana cried this morning when I told her that Zac will be 1 in 10 weeks. She said, in a tiny, weepy, voice, "but I don't wannnnnt him to be one!" Let that be a testament to anyone who feels sorry for her that she has had so many baby brothers.

I start back to school next week for my last semester of nursing school (yay! I'll only be an LPN at first, but hey, that's a nurse!) and I made special arrangements for Ben to go to his best friend Henry's house on Monday afternoons. It's not that he couldn't go with his younger brothers to Charlottes or stay home with Dad, I just know how much he enjoys hanging out with Henry. Henry's mom, Stacey, has been most open to the idea. God, I hope he behaves. So anyway she told me the cutest thing. She said that Henry wrote "B" on his calendar on every Monday. I msut also mention that there are also "G"s on Henry's Mondays because those are the days he gets to bring in the empty garbage can. Henry is a most unusual guy, and I've wondered many a time at the serendipity that would bring such a friend for MY unusual guy.

Elijah leaves tomorrow to spend the weekend in Wisconsin. He needs a break from himself. As I mentioned, he will be ice fishing with Hans, but he also has an important job to do in keeping Reilly occupied because Terrie is in Las Vegas for a quick getaway with her sister, and poor Reilly is beside herself with missing her mom. For those of you who don't know my family, I have to add here that Reilly will be 11 in June. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I had to add that because one would think she was maybe approaching 5 or so. That just kills me! It's so darling that she likes her mom so much. Even funnier, she kept her dad up all night last night. If you know my brother Gary, you know that's not a great idea. It's even worse that keeping ME up all night. Anyway Reilly is a most mature, wonderful, little girl, and as I tell her all the time, she is allll I have!

Lij told me today that he needs Grandma to give him a little trim because his hair is getting too big. And then he added she needs to trim his tail too. Those were his exact words. He has one of those little tails of hair at the back of his head (just naturally shaped that way) but the way he said it I really pictured something else. And as for his hair getting too big, I went to high school in the late 80s. It rung a bell. He's really, right, though, because he has a big giant head to start with, and long hair on him gets poofy and makes his big giant head even bigger.

I went to the elementary school again today for one last visit before I go back myself. I was even allowed into third grade to hang out for a bit, but she sure watches my every move lest I embarrass her by breathing incorrectly. I had a talk with her about it tonight and she is going to try not to be so self...or is it mother?...conscious. They had gym and I went with for that; they were shooting baskets and I wanted to play soooo bad but she said mothers don't shoot baskets when they visit. I also read with Elijah again and this time his friend Allie asked if she could sit with the two of us and he liked that idea too so I got to see them interact. They are too cute. The best part? She can't say her "R"'s. He can't say his "L"s. So, as Judy says, they both sound like Elmer Fudd! He reads quite a bit better than she and he is very gracious in assisting her and very cautious to not make her feel belittled. He is really quite the gentleman in public. IN PUBLIC.

Ana told me a good one about having what she called "farty beans" for lunch. She loved them and so did Lij, they want me to buy some. Should I? Or should I not? You be the judge.

She is invited to a sleepover at her friend Paije's next Friday. She is very excited.

Nothing big to announce on Wils or Zac. Oh, I guess one quick cute thing about Zac. There comes a time in every young Schurman man's life when he leaves mommy and becomes a part of the gang. Tonight Zac took this big step. The whole crew was in Ana's room doing something (I should add I have no idea what). I was here at the computer working on something myself. The door to Ana's room opened and this long line of people came filing out. Lij, Ben, Wil...and then....on his tummy, doing his wormy army scoot, comes Zac! It was hilarious. He followed them right to the next destination, too. Took awhile for him to get there, but he did. Just one of the guys. Of course, he had to have nummies and go night nights in his night night bed shortly thereafter. The disadvantages to being the youngest!

One more school story. When I arrived in Ana's classroom they were doing a science experiment with ice cubes and salt. Tonight after supper she set the whole thing up and showed her brothers and then they did it too. I would bet money on her being a teacher when she grows up.

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